Reduce the time you spend on customs entry

Importrix offers a fully automated customs entry solution for US customs brokers and analysts

Automated Data Extraction from Emails and Documents

Importrix can scan your emails and documents to extract key entry data, and can automatically populate an entry summary in seconds.

Intelligent Data Sourcing

Importrix fills in any gaps by sourcing missing data in the background, eliminating inefficient back-and-forth with suppliers.

Seamless Integration

Importrix integrates with all licensed ABI software vendors. Keep your current provider and supercharge your operations without any disruptions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Importrix?
Importrix is a fully automated customs entry solution designed specifically for US customs brokers. It streamlines the process of creating entry summaries.
How does Importrix automate customs entries?
Importrix uses AI to automatically extract and process data from documents and populate the fields for an entry in your ABI software. This significantly reduces time spent on manual data entry and potential errors.
Do I need to switch my ABI provider?
No, Importrix is designed to work seamlessly with all licensed ABI software vendors. You can continue using your current ABI provider while benefiting from our automation capabilities.
How does it handle missing information?
When missing information is detected, Importrix automatically searches and retrieves the required data from various reliable sources, eliminating the need for time-consuming communication with suppliers.
What kind of support is available for alpha testers?
As an alpha tester, you'll receive priority support and have direct input into the development of features that matter most to your business. Our team will work closely with you to ensure a smooth implementation.